chileairportI have discussed in other posts the direct link between quality patents and shareholder value. Now, we have proof that a favorable patent ruling at the hand of the CAFC can help a stock price surge. Yesterday, the CAFC ratified the district court’s contempt order in Tivo, Inc. v. EchoStar Corp.  The case, which focused on television simultaneous recording technology patents, was well-watched by the IP community.  According to IP Watchdog, Tivo, Inc.’s stock price surged at the news of the hearing:

“On news of the Federal Circuit ruling TiVo stock immediately surged ahead well over $5, up over 50%. Within less than 1 hour TiVo stock when from trading just over $10 a share, trading at $10.31 at 11:06 am EST, to trading at $16.07 at 11:42 am EST, hitting an intra-day high at 1:18pm EST at $16.36, and establishing a trading range plus or minus $15.65, where it is at as of 2:46pm EST.”

And the sun rises again on the benefits of patent litigation . . .

Speaking of new sunrises, pictured here is a sunrise over the International Airport in Santiago, Chile.  I visited Chile in December with my family for my sister’s wedding.  She married a Chilean man whom she met in college here in the United States.  While this picture is fantastic in its own right, it has new meaning - a metaphor that the sun will still rise in Chile, and there will be a better day just around the corner.

This entry was posted on Friday, March 5th, 2010 at 2:50 pm.
Categories: Patent Prospects ~ by Ian McClure.

One Comment, Comment or Ping

  1. Thank you Ian :) The sun will rise in Chile, and Haiti, and Taiwan - that is for sure!

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