liberty-bell PatentFreedom is a full service establishment offering subscription-based assistance in fighting the threat of non-practicing entities (NPE’s).  NPE’s are a growing threat to operating companies with patent portfolios of their own, in that NPE’s don’t hold their patents for core operational purposes, but instead use strategic enforcement activities such as licensing and litigation to turn a profit.  This use of patents has grown into a threatening phenomenon in the technology industries at an alarming rate.  PatentFreedom sets out to educate operating companies about such use of patents by holding companies, while assisting them in fighting for the rightful purpose of the patent system.  As PatentFreedom’s website indicates,

“PatentFreedom offers a range of subscription-based services designed to help operating companies and their advisors more effectively assess, respond to, and ultimately reduce the specific threats posed by NPEs.  Membership is open to any operating company, law firm , or other entity that derives the majority of its revenues from the sale of products or services other than services involving the sale, enforcement, or licensing of intellectual property.”

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 at 2:39 pm.
Categories: IP Market Players ~ by Ian McClure.

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