iam2Intellectual Asset Management magazine has created the IAM 250, a non-exclusive list of the world’s leading intellectual property strategists.  The list includes professional attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other business persons that remain at the frontier of the IP market and the practices that are becoming essential to managing corporate intangible assets.   The list is invitation-only, which requires at least three references and recommendations.  Inclusion consists of a bio in the directory and access to the members-only online discussion board, a community of dialogue between the best of the best IP strategists.  Here is what IAM says about the IAM 250:

World-class IP strategists have a fully rounded approach to IP management and value creation, and how both should be aligned to overall business strategy. They look beyond straight bottom-line return to understand the range of value-creation options available to rights owners. They know how these can be applied to the circumstances of individual businesses. If needs be, they are able to develop new solutions to deal with very specific sets of circumstances. Many people call themselves IP strategists; far fewer can devise game-changing plans and then deliver on them. Those who can, however, are worth their weight in gold.

Devised, researched and presented by Intellectual Asset Management magazine, this unique platform has two main parts:

A public, searchable directory of those individuals who offer world-class services relating to the development and implementation of strategies which enable IP owners to maximise the value of their rights portfolios. All, and only, those identified by our extensive research process are listed in the directory. Inclusion is free of charge, although all had the option to pay for an enhanced biographical listing. See the methodology for further information.

Discussion board
A members-only professional discussion board that helps the world’s leading IP strategists to collaborate with each other. Membership is by invitation only. Please contact Joff Wild if you would like to be considered for membership.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 8th, 2009 at 8:57 pm.
Categories: Investment Intelligence, Today in IP ~ by Ian McClure.

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