The lens through which to view IP in developing, African countries is seemingly cloudy and speckled with shades of gray. In these locations, IP may appear at the forefront or as a non-consideration in economic transactions. For example, while traveling in Moshi, Tanzania I noted bootleg DVDs and designer watches were available at a local, open-air market. Around the corner from the market, multinational corporations with core brands, such as The Coca Cola Company and Barclays PLC, were selling goods and services.This juxtaposition makes business decisions involving IP challenging for local companies and those considering foreign direct investments. As such, conversation and education regarding IP in the context of emerging economies is important. Fortunately, organizations such as Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have aided in these necessary activities. Notably, LESI confirmed its commitment to IP discussion in emerging, African economies by hosting its 2010 annual meeting in Sandton, South Africa. As globalization continues, countries with developed IP structures must participate in debate with African markets, providing value added perspectives and lessons learned from past mistakes and concurrently encouraging innovation.

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Breean Miller
Great insight Trevor! Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Jul 27th, 2011
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